Notes |
- NOTES by Denis Hamilton
Alfred never married. He served in the First World War. The National Archives of Australia have details of Alfred's Service Records on their Website hhtp:// collection/family history/armed services/html [Note the spaces between "the collection" / "family history" / "armed services"].
Alfred served in the Army from 17.2.1916 until 12.7.1918. When he enlisted it was at Blackboy Hill, W.A. - his place of birth was stated as Quorn, S.A., his Mother Mary EAMER. When he Embarked for overseas service he sailed from Freemantle on the 16.5.1916 aboard HMAT Surada [Ship No. A52]. Alfred was a Private, Service Number 2343 and his Unit was the 10th Light Horse Regiment. When he left the Army he was a Lance Corporal and his Unit was the 3rd Imperial Camel Corps as his Discharge Record shows, he had been serving in Egypt.
It also shows that he was admitted on the 24.5.1917 to the 14th Australian General Hospital being a casualty of Neurasthenia [nervous debility] - I cannot quite make out from the record but I assume this was in Cario.
It appears from the Record that he was Released to return to Australia on the 12.7.1918. He sailed from Cairo to Port Darwin, Australia. He embarked on the 17.7.1918, sailed 20.7.1918. He was Discharged 5th M.D. on the 2.10.1918.
Although the Report printed off from the Website is difficult to read in some places it does have much info upon it. It shows that Alfred was awarded the Star Medal, the British War Medal and the Victory Medal. He is on the Australian War Memorial and is listed on the N.A.A. First World War Nominal Roll [File 15-064]. [5 Lists copied from the N.A.A. Website in the EAMOUR/EAMER Ring Binder File].
[Entered 6.2.2006].Looking again on the N.A.A. Website I found 15 pages of documents relating to Alfred's war service. One of the documents is titled "Statutory Declaration" dated the 27th Aug 1949 regarding his Discharge Certificate that is described as Lost: Destroyed by Fire ...."papers as been burnt". His address is given as Alice Springs. This is in reply to a letter he had sent on the 6th Aug 1919 asking for a replacement. He states that he had served in the Tenth Light Horse. D.O.B.: 15th Oct 1887 Quorn, S.A. Next of Kin: Mrs. W. EAMER, Mukatharra, W.A.On his Enlistment Document 8.1.1916 it states: Height 5' 8" / Weight 185lbs / Chest 39" / Complextion: Dark / Eyes: Grey / Hair: Brown / Of Presbyterian faith / Two eliptical tears 3/4 in ling [?] in front of left thigh.Another document gives addresses: Black Boy Hill, W.A. 17.2.1916 / 16.5.1916 / 17.8.1918 / Perth, W.A. 2.10.1918.
Another document, a Postcard "Particulars Of Article" gives his address as c/ J. SWANSON, Alice Springs [could not see date]. [1]